Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Brad Bishop update

This was forwarded to me from Mary Schadwinkel:

From: "Mary Essay" <>
Date: September 13, 2016 4:46:31 PM MDT
To: "'Mary Schadwinkel'" <>
Subject: RE: Hello

Hi Mary,

Yes, it has been a long hard roller coaster ride for Brad and Ann.  As you
know Brad has been ill for many years, going back to the late 70's when he
was diagnosed with non-Hodgkins lymphoma.  Has had lung issues, had H1N1 6
years ago that took it's toll, etc., etc.  He has been sick really since
last fall and had a rotator cuff repair done in December that he never
really quite recovered from.  He has been on oxygen since last fall and has
had several hospitalizations for pneumonia.  He was being treated by a
pulmonologist who recommended that he see a cardiac surgeon for evaluation
and further testing.  It was discovered that both his mitral valve and
aortic valve needed to be replaced and so the decision was made for him to
undergo this very risky surgery on July 25.  Since his surgery there have
been many setbacks and he was in the ICU for a little over 6 weeks.  He
recently was moved to a rehabilitation hospital for further care.  He is
awake at times but has a trach in and is receiving ventilator support.  He
receives tube feedings and also his meds through a tube.  He just recently
has been sitting up in a chair and trying to wean from the ventilator
support for about 2 hours at a time. Quite a deal!!

Ann has been super strong, spending most days at the hospital and is now
back to work yet still going to Kindred Rehab Hospital over her lunch hour
and then after work. She has lots of family/friend support which they are
thankful for.  Please remember them in your prayers.  If you want to send a
card it would probably be best to send it to their house and then when can
take it to show Brad.  9497 Cody Drive, Westminster, CO 80021.

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