Friday, October 21, 2016

In Memory of

Bradley Mark Bishop

February 1, 1958 - October 19, 2016

Bradley Mark Bishop passed away peacefully on October 19, 2016 at St. Anthony's Hospital 
in Lakewood CO, after an extended hospitalization and courageous fight.

Brad was born in Grand Island, Nebraska on February 1, 1958, the third of four boys to 
Eugene Allen Bishop and Mary Jane Mack Bishop Engelhaupt.

Brad married Ann Lewis on September 5, 1981 in Alliance, Nebraska. They started their 
family in Colorado where they raised two sons, Jacob and Brison. Brad enjoyed many 
outdoor activities and was passionate about watching all sports, most especially the 
Huskers, the Broncos and the Colorado Rockies. His greatest joy in life was spending 
time with his extensive family and many friends.
Brad is survived by his wife Ann; son Jake and his wife, Kirsty, and their daughter, 
Blake Maryann; son Brison and his wife, Jessica, and their daughter, Brooklyn Jane. 
He is also survived by his mother Jane; his brothers and their wives Steve and Laura; 
Craig and Bessie; Brian and Brenda as well as many supportive 'in-laws'. Uncle Brad 
will be deeply missed by numerous nephews and nieces whom he teased endlessly 
and loved immensely. Brad is preceded in death by his grandparents, his father Gene, 
his in-laws Gene and Betty Lewis and other family members.

A "Life Well Celebrated" service will be held Monday, October 24, 2016 at 10:00 a.m. 
at Olinger Crown Hill Mortuary, Cemetery and Arboretum, 7777 W. 29th Avenue, 
Wheat Ridge, Colorado. Please gather at the Olinger Crown Hill Pavilion of Reflection. 

Saturday, October 8, 2016

40th Reunion Book

I hope everyone who attended had a good time. I know I did.

I've added a link at the top right of the page for the reunion book. Contact details have been omitted so the evil bots won't start spamming you. If you didn't send in your story, you still can. I'll add it to blog.

I'll be doing a page for photos from the reunion soon. If you have pictures to share, send them to me and I'll include them. Also anything else you want to share I would be happy to post.

Here's a photo I received from John Worley just before the reunion. As always, you can click on a picture to see a larger image.

family photo is of my two (2) daughters, sons–in-law and wife Deb…..left to right….Matt and Britanee, Josh and Allie, Deb & I.

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Brad Bishop update

This was forwarded to me from Mary Schadwinkel:

From: "Mary Essay" <>
Date: September 13, 2016 4:46:31 PM MDT
To: "'Mary Schadwinkel'" <>
Subject: RE: Hello

Hi Mary,

Yes, it has been a long hard roller coaster ride for Brad and Ann.  As you
know Brad has been ill for many years, going back to the late 70's when he
was diagnosed with non-Hodgkins lymphoma.  Has had lung issues, had H1N1 6
years ago that took it's toll, etc., etc.  He has been sick really since
last fall and had a rotator cuff repair done in December that he never
really quite recovered from.  He has been on oxygen since last fall and has
had several hospitalizations for pneumonia.  He was being treated by a
pulmonologist who recommended that he see a cardiac surgeon for evaluation
and further testing.  It was discovered that both his mitral valve and
aortic valve needed to be replaced and so the decision was made for him to
undergo this very risky surgery on July 25.  Since his surgery there have
been many setbacks and he was in the ICU for a little over 6 weeks.  He
recently was moved to a rehabilitation hospital for further care.  He is
awake at times but has a trach in and is receiving ventilator support.  He
receives tube feedings and also his meds through a tube.  He just recently
has been sitting up in a chair and trying to wean from the ventilator
support for about 2 hours at a time. Quite a deal!!

Ann has been super strong, spending most days at the hospital and is now
back to work yet still going to Kindred Rehab Hospital over her lunch hour
and then after work. She has lots of family/friend support which they are
thankful for.  Please remember them in your prayers.  If you want to send a
card it would probably be best to send it to their house and then when can
take it to show Brad.  9497 Cody Drive, Westminster, CO 80021.

Sunday, September 4, 2016

How to Act at Your Class Reunion

Tips for How to Act at High School Class Reunions
Taken from Ann Landers' advice column, June 9, 2000

1.  No whining or moaning over what "might have been," or anything else depressing.  No one wants a pall cast over this happy event.

2.  Seek out people who have made a difference in your life, and thank them. They will appreciate it.

3.  Check your midlife crisis at the door.  No one needs to know you are having an affair or that your spouse just left you.

4.  Do not brush off anyone who wants to talk to you.  It doesn't matter whether or not you liked that person in high school.  We have all changed.

5.  Bring an extra hankie, and cry all you want when you are overwhelmed by nostalgia and old friends.  Tears can be a great catharsis.

6.  All responses to questions should be at least two full sentences.  Don't be abrupt.  It will make you appear snobbish.

7.  Don't do too much bragging.  It puts a spotlight on your insecurities. The best compliments are the ones you get without fishing.

8.  Any remarks about your baldness, weight or wrinkles should be countered with something humorous or self-deprecating.  No offense is intended. Sometimes, when people are surprised at the change in the appearance of an old friend, they don't know how to deal with it, so they try to mask their surprise with humor.

9.  Be careful how you approach others.  Be respectful.  Remember that you are dealing with someone's wife, husband, mother, or father.

10.  Be yourself.  We remember you from way back, and will accept you the way you are.

Monday, August 29, 2016

Class Reunion Planning Meeting August 25, 2016

These pictures are much better than the ones I posted before; obviously a much better phone or photographer . . . . as always, click on a picture to see a larger image.

Shan Ellis Garwood, Marci McLean Moran, Deb Hatch Thiems, Daryl Colwell, Paul Phillip, Lori Nagaki Watson, Shirley Johnson Sellman, Steve Benzel. Picture taken by Ron Brown

Front:  Paul Phillip, Lori Nagaki Watson, Shirley Johnson Sellman, Ron Brown.
Back:  Deb Hatch Thiems, Kim Willey Liberg, Marci McLean Moran, Shannon Ellis Garwood, Daryl Colwell, Steve Benzel. Picture taken by Tim Garwood
Marci's attempt at a group selfie. Daryl Colwell's arm, Paul Phillip's torso, Lori Nagaki Watson, Shirley Johnson Sellman, Steve Benzel, Ron Brown, Shan Ellis Garwood, Kim Willey Liberg, Marci McLean Moran.

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Thanks to Shirley Johnson Sellman for sending these pictures. I've added as many names as I can; do you know who else is in these pictures?  As always, you can click on a picture to see it larger.

Shirley's senior picture

Emerson 1st or 2nd grade. Front row:  Jackie Stafford Craig Schadwinkel, Paul Phillip, David Curtis, Paul Heimbuch, Vicki Odell. Second row:  Terry Parker, Shirley Johnson, ??, Kim Willey, Carol Kunzman, Yvonne Sanchez. Third row:  Cynthia Rader, Tom Langmacher, Creig Wilkins, Nancy Hielscher, Karen Langner, Crystal Iron Rope, Vickie Roebuck.

Front: Shirley Johnson, Terry Parker
Middle: Laurie Wilkins, John Novotny, ??, Sherrie Jensen(?), Craig Schadwinkel(?), ??, ??, Steve Fortune(?) 
Back:  Yvonne Sanchez, Paula Hogensen, Deb Hatch, Ken Bordeaux(?), ??, Paul Phillip, Tom Langmacher, Johnny Nickens, Nancy Hielscher, Karen Langner, Colleen Tittle, Laura Kuncl, Jerome Mills.
Thanks to Laura Kuncl for helping with identifications. 

Sunday, August 14, 2016

AHS Student Handbook

I don't know why I saved some of these things, but hopefully someone will get a kick out some of it. As always, click on any picture to see a larger image.

pages 1 - 5

pages 6 - 10

pages 11 - 15

pages 16 - 20

Friday, August 5, 2016

Reunion Humor #2

Come to think of it, not much has changed in 40 years

It’s hard to believe it has been 40 years since Graduation Day, 1976. It’s hard to believe after this many years, we continue to say, “It’s hard to believe…” What did we think, that we were immune to the passage of time? That we would remain forever in our 20s? That we were the first generation in history that would not wake up one day and discover we were now in our 50s, and our kids are older than we were when we graduated?

Yes, that’s exactly it. We never thought we’d ever get old. Or, at least, we never thought it would happen so darn quickly. There’s an old expression: The more things change, the more they stay the same. Well, there’s another old expression: The more things change, the more they REALLY change.

Here is a list that demonstrates how much things indeed have changed during the past 40 years.

Each couplet describes something we were doing back in 1976, followed by what we instead are doing now in 2016.

Sociology exam – Prostate exam.
Going to sleep at 4 a.m. – Waking up at 4 a.m.
Keg parties – Tupperware parties.
Long hair – No hair.
Hot dates – Hot flashes.
Hours of enjoyment with a $4 Frisbee – Hours of frustration with a $900 set of golf clubs.
Progressive politics – Progressive bifocals.
Getting high – Getting high blood pressure.
Beer kegs that flowed to the max – Bladders in desperate need of FLOMAX.
Lying to our parents about what we did in high school – Lying to our children about what we did in high school.
Starting Saturday night at 10 p.m. – Concluding Saturday night at 10 p.m.
Poli Sci – PoliGrip.
Studying ancient history – Remembering ancient history.
Thinking people in their 30's were old timers – Thinking people in their 30's are young pups.
Hundreds of vinyl albums stored in a heavy wooden crate – Hundreds of digital albums stored in a 2-ounce iPod.
Hoping we wouldn’t have to move back in with our parents – Hoping our kids won’t move back in with us.
Greek fraternities – Grecian formula.
Wishing our parents would leave us alone – Wishing our kids would call once in a while.
Amazed at Bruce Springsteen’s endurance during a 3-hour concert – Amazed at Bruce Springsteen’s endurance during a 3-hour concert.
Bushy mustache – Bushy ear hair.
Deciding where to live – Deciding where to be buried.
Trying to discover the meaning of life – Trying to discover the meaning of death.
Focused on finding happiness – Realizing happiness comes when we stop focusing on it.

Now that the Class of ‘76 has acquired age and guile, we too understand that the experience gained during the past four decades far outweighs youth, innocence, and especially those hideous 1970s-style haircuts.

Which brings us to our final 1976-2016 couplet .

Thinking people in their 50's were ancient fossils – Knowing people in their 50's are just hitting their prime.

Reunion Humor

Joke: The High School Reunion

A husband and wife are sitting at a table at his high school reunion, and the husband keeps staring at a drunken woman sitting alone at a nearby table, downing glass after glass.
"Do you know her?" the wife asks.
"Yes," the husband says, with a self-important sigh. "She was my old girlfriend. I hear she took to drinking right after we split up those many years ago, and she hasn't been sober since."
"Wow!" the wife says. "Who would think a person could keep celebrating that long?"


Surely, I can't look that old!

Have you ever been guilty of looking at others your own age and thinking, 'Surely, I can't look that old!'   Well.... You'll love this one.

While sitting in the waiting room for my first appointment with a new dentist, I noticed his DDS diploma, which bore his full name.

Suddenly, I remembered a tall, handsome, dark-haired boy with the same name had been in my high school class some 40-odd years ago.  Could he be the same guy that I had a secret crush on, way back then?  Upon seeing him, however, I quickly discarded any such thought.

This balding, gray-haired man with the deeply lined face was way too old to have been my classmate.

After he examined my teeth, I asked him if he had attended Waseca high school.

"Yes.  Yes, I did.  I'm a Bluejay," he beamed with pride.

"When did you graduate?" I asked.

He answered, "In 1959.  Why do you ask?"

"You were in my class!"  I exclaimed.

He looked at me closely.  Then, that ugly, old, bald, wrinkled, fat a**, gray-haired, decrepit SOB asked, "What did you teach?"


Bob hadn't been to a class reunion in decades. When he walked into this latest one, he thought he recognized a woman over in the corner, so he approached her and extended his hand in greeting, saying, "You look like Helen Brown."

"Well," the woman snapped back, "you don't look so great in blue, either!"

Sunday, July 31, 2016

Schedule of Events

Alliance High School Class of 76

Here’s the DATE:
September 9 & 10, 2016 - This is AHS Homecoming week.

Here’s the PLAN:
Friday, September 9th Enjoy AHS Activities:
High School Parade: 2:30pm, south on Box Butte Ave
(Ride on the ’76 float; meet at 2:15, Big Blue Bay Swimming Pool, 18th and Box Butte)
Tail Gate: 5:00pm, park south of Bulldog stadium
Football Game: 7:00pm, Bulldog Stadium
Bulldogs vs. Holdrege Dusters
Meet Up: 9:00ish, Players Sports Bar, 209 Box Butte Ave

Saturday, September 10th
High School Tour: 10:00am enter the high school on the north side
Extra Activities: Passport to Alliance,
Golf at Skyview Golf Course 762-1446

The Big Event is at Skyview Golf Course - Saturday
Hors d’oeuvres: 4:00pm
Class Picture: 5:30pm
Meal: Steak Dinner with the fixings 6:00pm
No Host Bar however in the tradition of the Class of ’76 KEG PROVIDED!

Here’s what you need to DO:
The cost is $25/person
1.)      Mail check to: Daryl Colwell, 915 Colorado, Alliance, NE 69301
After August 20th cost is $30/person

We’re on the net:
2.)        PLEASE: if we don’t have your current EMAIL click on CONTACT INFORMATION and complete.  This info goes directly to Paul Phillip and is only used for class reunion.
3.)        Instructions are also included on that page to send information for the book that you will receive at the reunion.

4.) T-shirts are available so check it out on our blogspot!

Schedule of Events

Alliance High School Class of 76

Here’s the DATE:
September 9 & 10, 2016 - This is AHS Homecoming week.

Here’s the PLAN:
Friday, September 9th Enjoy AHS Activities:
High School Parade: 2:30pm, south on Box Butte Ave
(Ride on the ’76 float; meet at 2:15, Big Blue Bay Swimming Pool, 18th and Box Butte)
Tail Gate: 5:00pm, park south of Bulldog stadium
Football Game: 7:00pm, Bulldog Stadium
Bulldogs vs. Holdrege Dusters
Meet Up: 9:00ish, Players Sports Bar, 209 Box Butte Ave

Saturday, September 10th
High School Tour: 10:00am enter the high school on the north side
Extra Activities: Passport to Alliance,
Golf at Skyview Golf Course 762-1446

The Big Event is at Skyview Golf Course - Saturday
Hors d’oeuvres: 4:00pm
Class Picture: 5:30pm
Meal: Steak Dinner with the fixings 6:00pm
No Host Bar however in the tradition of the Class of ’76 KEG PROVIDED!

Here’s what you need to DO:
The cost is $25/person
1.)      Mail check to: Daryl Colwell, 915 Colorado, Alliance, NE 69301
After August 20th cost is $30/person

We’re on the net:
2.)        PLEASE: if we don’t have your current EMAIL click on CONTACT INFORMATION and complete.  This info goes directly to Paul Phillip and is only used for class reunion.
3.)        Instructions are also included on that page to send information for the book that you will receive at the reunion.

4.) T-shirts are available so check it out on our blogspot!

Saturday, March 12, 2016

Reunion planning meeting 3/10/2016

Sorry for the blurry pictures. Took me forever to figure out how to get them from my phone to the computer. As always, click on a picture to see a larger (blurrier) image.

Tom Timbers, Alice (Cole) Montgomery, Shan (Ellis) Garwood

Ron Brown, Steve Benzel

Deb (Hatch) Thiems, Tammy (Jantz) Fletcher

Lori (Nagaki) Watson, Daryl Colwell

Saturday, February 20, 2016

1976 trivia

World Series Champions:
Cincinatti Reds
Superbowl X Champions:
Pittsburgh Steelers
NBA Champions:
Boston Celtics
Stanley Cup Champs:
Montreal Canadiens
U.S. Open Golf:
Jerry Pate
U.S. Tennis (Men/Ladies):
Jimmy Connors/Christine Marie Evert
Wimbledon (Men/Women): 
Bjorn Borg/Chris Evert
NCAA Football Champions:
NCAA Basketball Champions:
Kentucky Derby:
Bold Forbes
Sports Highlights:

  • Romanian gymnast Nadia Comanici earned the first "perfect 10's" in the Olympics, seven all together.
  • Bruce (now Caitlin) Jenner won the Olympic decathalon
The Hotties Sex Symbols, and Fashion Icons: 
Adrienne Barbeau, Valerie Bertinelli, Lynda Carter, Charo, Britt Ekland, Farrah Fawcett, Kate Jackson, Beverly Johnson, Jessica Lange, Dolly Parton, Bernadette Peters, Diana Ross, Jacquelyn Smith, Suzanne Somers, Donna Summer, Yvette and Yvonne Sylvander, Lindsay Wagner, Mary Woronov
"The Quote"

  • "Adrian!"  - Sylvester Stallone, in 'Rocky'
  • "You talkin' to me?"  - Robert De Niro, as Travis Bickle, in 'Taxi Driver'
  • "I'm as mad as hell, and I'm not going to take this anymore!"  - Peter Finch, in 'Network'
  • "Is it safe?"  - Laurence Olivier, in 'Marathon Man'
  • "Meow, meow, meow, meow..."  - Song from Meow Mix commercial
Time Magazine's Man of the Year:
Jimmy Carter
Miss America:
Tawny Godin (Saratoga Springs, NY)
Miss USA:
Barbara Peterson (Minnesota)
The Scandal:

  • Movie Star Violent Death: Sal Mineo (stabbed)
  • Elizabeth Ray claims that her only duty for her $14,000 a year job was to have sex with congressman Wayne Hays.
Nerd News:

  • Apple Computer was formed by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak.
  • The first computer, reports say, sold for $666.66.
  • The ink-jet printer is invented.
  • Writer Tom Wolfe declared the '70s the "Me Decade"
  • VHS released, wins the war with Betamax tapes, although most agree it was an inferior product.
  • Sweden's most profitable corporation was pop group ABBA.
  • Cost of a Superbowl ad in 1976: $110,000
The Habit:
Listening to Peter Frampton's Framptom Comes Alive album
1st appearances & 1976's Most Popular Christmas gifts, toys and presents:
Stretch Armstrong, Raw Power (bicycle sound effect),
Best Film Oscar Winner:
1976 Most Popular TV shows:
1. Happy Days (ABC)
2. Laverne & Shirley (ABC)
3. M*A*S*H (CBS)
4. Charlie's Angels (ABC)
5. The Big Event (NBC)
6. The Six Million Dollar Man (ABC)
7. Baretta (ABC)
8. One Day at a Time (CBS)
9. Three's Company (ABC)
10. All in the Family (CBS)
1976 Billboard Number One Songs:
December 27, 1975 - January 2, 1976: Let's Do It Again - The Staple Singers
January 3 - January 9: Saturday Night - Bay City Rollers
January 10 - January 16: Convoy - C.W. McCall
January 17 - January 23: I Write The Songs - Barry Manilow
January 24 - January 30: Theme from Mahogany ("Do You Know Where You're Going To - ) - Diana Ross
January 31 - February 6: Love Rollercoaster - Ohio Players
February 7 - February 27: 50 Ways To Leave Your Lover - Paul Simon
February 28 - March 5: Theme From S.W.A.T. - Rhythm Heritage
March 6 - March 12: Love Machine (Part 1) - The Miracles
March 13 - April 2: December, 1963 (Oh, What a Night) - The Four Seasons
April 3 - April 30: Disco Lady - Johnnie Taylor
May 1 - May 7: Let Your Love Flow - Bellamy Brothers
May 8 - May 14: Welcome Back - John Sebastian
May 15 - May 21: Boogie Fever - The Sylvers
May 22 - May 28: Silly Love Songs - Wings
May 29 - July 9: Love Hangover - Diana Ross
July 10 - July 23: Afternoon Delight - Starland Vocal Band
July 24 - August 6: Kiss And Say Goodbye - Manhattans
August 7 - September 3: Don't Go Breaking My Heart - Elton John & Kiki Dee
September 4 - September 10: You Should Be Dancing - The Bee Gees
September 11 - September 17: (Shake, Shake, Shake) Shake Your Booty - KC & The Sunshine Band
September 18 - October 8: Play That Funky Music - Wild Cherry
October 9 - October 15: A Fifth Of Beethoven - Walter Murphy & The Big Apple Band
October 16 - October 22: Disco Duck (Part 1) - Rick Dees & His Cast Of Idiots
October 23 - - November 5: If You Leave Me Now - Chicago
November 6 - November 12: Rock'n Me - Steve Miller
November 13 - January 7, 1977: Tonight's The Night (Gonna Be Alright) - Rod Stewart


Additional facts about 1976 available at

Sunday, February 14, 2016

AHS Class of 1976 News

Thanks to Kathy Saylor for contributing some of these articles. As always, you can click on a picture to see a larger image.

Student Government Day, 11/21/1974

Homecoming, 10/17/1975 1975

Peb Club Formal, 12/13/1975

Lori Peterson, 5/8/1976
(not in our class, but during our senior year)

Sports Awards Banquet, 5/12/1976

Honors Convocation, Spring, 1976

Sunday, February 7, 2016

8th Grade Pictures

Click on any picture to see a larger image. Scan and send any pictures you have to Hard copy pictures can be mailed to Paul Phillip, 600 W 123rd Ave., #4114, Westminster, CO 80234. They will be returned to you.

SAA classmates' names are highlighted in green.

Nancy Adams, Paula Belden

Shan Ellis, Karen Engelhaupt, Deb Hatch

Marci McLean, Mike Paulsen, DeeDee Petersen

Paul Phillip, Cindy Rask, Craig Schadwinkel

Kent Seebohm, Colleen Tittle

Kim Willey, Cindy Worth